But the PTA at Dyer Elementary did something a little different this year. They held the 1st Annual Dyer Dash, a fun run where the kids ran laps on a track behind the school. They had to complete 25 laps and let me tell you these kids were determined to finish every lap! Each child had a t-shirt with the Dyer Dragon logo on the front and on the back was a numbered circle where each lap was marked off as they completed it. The look on their faces was priceless when you tell them how many laps they had completed. That was the best part of the day!
What impressed me most is the PTA was able to get kids excited about the fundraising AND physical activity! Let's be honest, all kids love recess but not all kids take advantage of it outside of school. There are too many distractions at home with TV and video games that keep kids from getting enough exercise each day. When I was a kid my parents had to drag me inside every night!
So Kudos to the Dyer PTA for doing such a great job getting the kids involved. If you'd like to make a donation, click here for more info.
www.SteveSellsGwinnett.com Steve Rider, CDPE Realtor with Keller Williams Lanier Partners in Braselton Georgia. Covering Barrow, Jackson, Gwinnett and Hall Counties in Northeast Georgia. If you're looking to purchase or sell a home in this area please contact me at 404 663 7063 or steverider1@gmail.com.
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